
Digital signage: a valuable asset during COVID-19 & beyond

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the U.S., businesses large and small jumped into action to address everything from health precautions to changing hours to new services and product offerings. Many also took full advantage of one particular asset: Digital signage. The pandemic, perhaps more than any other business disruption, clearly highlights the benefits of digital signage solutions, and businesses seeking to remain competitive will continue to lean into this technology as we settle into a new normal.

During the pandemic, as consumers experience radical shifts in their shopping habits, in-store, high brightness lcd digital signage is proving its value, mostly in supermarkets. for example, uses high brightness lcd display to remind customers to remain two shopping cart lengths apart to reinforce social distancing, while other stores have adopted the practice of regularly updating the availability of items in high demand (“Toilet paper in stock, Aisle 10!”). Likewise, restaurants have seamlessly shifted from featuring their regular menu offerings to highlighting limited selections, special items, or even grocery options via digital menu boards.

LCD Digital signage makes sense outside the store too. At the drive-thru, flexible lcd digital signage ensures that menus are always up to date so no customer has to hear that their selection is not available. LCD Digital signs facing the sidewalk or parking lot make it easy for stores to announce changing hours, special offerings, or temporary closures without customers having to step outside their cars. Many retailers also use their outside-facing, brightly lit, easy-to-read, and regularly updated digital signs to announce curbside pick-up, grab and go meals, and store re-openings.

Activating digital signage in these ways isn’t just practical. It makes a meaningful difference in the customer experience. As strategy firm the pandemic has changed the very definition of customer care: “Suddenly, examinations of customer journeys and satisfaction metrics to inform what customers want have given way to an acute urgency to address what they need.”

As their research notes, especially in trying times, a customer’s experience with a brand can have a long-term effect on trust and loyalty. In an uncertain and competitive time, businesses should harness every advantage to improve the customer experience.

In an environment of constant change, customers seek accurate, updated, and timely information; and digital signage offers ultimate visibility and flexibility. With cloud-based CMS systems programmable from anywhere – and with minimal human resources required – today’s lcd digital signage is a highly adaptable and powerful means to engage consumers. It’s not just customers who are better served by digital signage capabilities during the pandemic. The shift benefits employers and their staff as well. From digital training to on-boarding essential new hires and break room televisions featuring important hygiene and new store practices, businesses are relying on digital signage to improve the employee experience and enhance timely communications in this challenging time.

Digital signage has proven to be a valuable asset for businesses forced to react quickly to the recent pandemic, and it has clear advantages for enhancing customer and employee experiences, even in a post-COVID world. Digital signage more easily conveys information to customers interested in details like product sourcing, ingredients, and functionality. Someday soon, we hope timely messages about high-demand products will evolve from the availability of disinfectant wipes to summer specials on ice cream. For addressing today’s unique needs and planning for the future, now is a good time for businesses to maximize the potential of their existing digital signage assets or introduce them for the first time.

Click here to learn more about digital signage.

Where is the hidden value of outdoor digital signs?

The global digital signage market is anticipated to grow to $31.71 billion by 2025. This positive forecast was issued by Despite the fact that every year industry rapidly grows, there are still some ambiguities. To understand the purpose and the benefits of outdoor digital signs we have to understand what LCD displays actually are.

Understanding outdoor LCD signage
Outdoor digital sign is a communication platform with target audience, placed in public areas. In its basic, digital kiosk is a messaging tool. It can be upgraded with number of add-ons (such as touch screen, Wi-Fi, payment terminal, audience measurement tools etc.). With add-ons one-way communication could be upgraded to expand audience experience.

With acknowledgment of this simple explanation, we can identify two general purposes of LCD signage:

1.Generating revenues due to promotion of services and sales of advertising

2.Enhancing passersby experience with valuable information (info points, wayfinding systems…)

Where is the real value?
These two points are not exclusive. On the contrary, they complement each other. And this is the true value of LCD kiosks: The complementation of enhancing passersby experience and generating revenues.

Enhancing passersby / customers experience is important benefit. Basically, LCD kiosks can improve passersby experience with:

Share of relevant information (wayfinding, guidance, transport schedules…)

Entertainment at the spot (reducing waiting anxiety…)

Creation of ambient (With specific design of the units)

Digital kiosks are much more than just advertising screens in public places. This is important to consider before any project. Not only because it is a good selling point to get the best location, but because passersby are fed up with advertisement and the concept of “display blindness” is real!

ROI is important!
ROI calculations are extremely important as outdoor digital displays present investment good. To get more from LCD display systems it’s a necessity to customize the systems and give the public something new (with design of the units and with functionality). We at Infinitus are aware of this necessity. Our outdoor LCD signs are fully customizable. In addition to the standard add-ons, we can integrate preferred electronics into existing systems or creating a product from scratch.

Click here to learn more about the digital signage.